What the….? A year already! The Annual Queens Birthday Planting (Campground Revegetation Project) event at Mt Arapiles is only 10 days away. You’ve done it before and you know it’s a good time to be had. Playing in the dirt, building mud castles, sprinkling mulch and easing those baby trees into the ground. It’s like a big love fest for future greenery. Get loved up and roll on up. There is also a VCC club trip happening to coincide with it.
What are we planting this time? 20 White Cypress Callitris glaucophylla 10 Port Jackson Pine Callitris rhomboidea 20 Drooping Sheoak Allocasuarina stricta 20 Yellow Gum Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp leucoxylon 3 Wallowa Acacia calamifolia All gathered seed from Mt Arapiles and grown by Ollie Sherlock