It is fast approaching. There will be a GRAMPIANS CLEAN UP Day on SATURDAY 3RD MARCH and once again, we are looking for some volunteers to help with some areas around the Grampians.
As well as regular volunteers, we are also looking for a couple of accredited climbers(guides etc) that will be able to abseil in a couple of tourist locations to get to ledges where rubbish tends to accumulate. Please drop me a line if you can help in any instance. And for those who will be heading out climbing that day, it would be great if you could put aside a little time, take a bag for the walk in and around and clear any rubbish you may find. I’d love some photos!
And if you are city side? Ben Wright has organized a VCC cleanup at the Burnley Bouldering wall environs on SUNDAY 4TH MARCH. Many hands, light work as they say.