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Camping Fees at Mt Arapiles


Many in the climbing community have been following the recent changes in camping fee structure at Mt Arapiles. From the usual $2 per person per night structure, the fees jumped to the $15 per car structure that is in place in many other campgrounds such as in the Grampians.

Thanks to everyone  who jumped in and put their feelings about the new fee structure at the campground out there and onto paper. After some discussions with PV, the good news is that it has all been taken on board and the fee structure will return to a pay by individual user basis. There has been a fee increase per person, in line with the yearly camp fee increase as of 1 November, but considering that Araps hasn’t had any camp fee increases since 1999 – unlike other campgrounds – I think it’s a fair call. The new price is $4.00 per person per night. Still a pretty cheap camping option I think. Thanks also, to the forward thinking people at PV who have been working hard and quickly on this. It’s great to see that a blanket approach hasn’t been taken and the conditions and demographic of Araps have been considered. New signs are planned to be in place by the weekend explaining the fee structure.

The following is the wording from PV that will be at the park explaining the new fee situation:

Camping in Mount Arapiles-Tooan State Park

Parks Victoria has adjusted camping fees at Centenary Park Campground at Mount Arapiles to match the regulated statewide fee structure followed at other parks in Victoria. Under the approved structure, camp fees at Mount Arapiles will be applied on a per person rate.

The rate is $4 per person per night. In establishing the new charge Parks Victoria took into account feedback from the climbing community and other users of the site to retain a per person approach. Prices at Mount Arapiles have not increased since 1999 and are now being brought into line with a statewide increase which came into effect on 1 November 2012 for parks across Victoria.  Any future changes in fees will be clearly communicated.

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