Hi All,
I thought I should remind everyone that as of 1st July, 2014 the camping fee system which includes the new prices and the online booking for sites will be implemented. For Mt Arapiles Tooan State Park this means that you can no longer pay your fees via the fee box. You will need to book a site online.
Fees for Arapiles will continue to be $5 a night with campers free to choose where they wish to camp within the designated campground area, but you will need to do this online.
The signs have been installed and the fee box will be removed soon. See the pictures below.
As yet, I have no official communication to get you any further info. I will post this as soon as it comes to hand. If if people want to make direct enquiries or give feedback then either call 131963 or email info@parks.vic.gov.au
Here is the link to the DEPI which contains the original information
For other parks though, the fees won’t be staying the same. Hefty hikes. Online booking system will also be go for obtaining a camp site
The post which the original proposal http://cliffcare.org.au/2013/11/19/proposed-changes-to-camping-accommodation-fees-in-victorian-parks-please-have-your-say/