This is a belated posting of the December Access report. It made it onto CliffCare’s social media sites as well as others social media but not on the CliffCare website. Following a recent site visit in March 2017 to Black Ians (Lil Lil) that I had with Darren from Barengi Gadjin Land Council and Parks Victoria rangers, I thought it pertinent to post this here as there will be ongoing posts and discussions about the site.
Black Ian’s amongst many other sites in the Grampians and nearby, has suffered from graffiti incidents over the years. CliffCare has been in discussions with PV over time in relation to these, and we are committed to working with them and the Traditional Owners to educate users. Whilst some graffiti is not the work of those in the climbing community, some more than likely is. It’s not cool full stop to be scratching and drawing names and pictures into the rock.
Add to the fact then that a huge amount of Indigenous art is in caves and overhangs and what you are doing when you write your name is tantamount to destroying some of the last remaining history of our State’s indigenous people’s. As uncool as you can get!
Hopefully we can all work together to stop this.
In November and December 2016, Barengi Gadjin Land Council, Parks Victoria Rangers and staff from Aboriginal Victoria met onsite to start the process of removing the graffiti. A long and painstaking job.
The following info has been supplied to me via Parks Victoria and Traditional Land Owners.