Packing it Out
Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage
The CliffCare Trust formed in 1998, we are a non-profit organization that works to protect the climbing environments we love through
Cooperative working parties such as trail work, clean up days and revegetation projects.
Education programs to promote low impact climbing.
Access negotiations with land managers / owners to ensure that climbing fits within a larger framework of environmental land management.
We promote a culture of stewardship among the VCC and broader climbing community, encouraging climbers to go the extra mile in taking care of these environments by having the knowledge to moderate their impact at an individual level and participating in collaborative environmental projects.
We foster a culture of stewardship in the climbing community to protect the places and the sport that we love
CliffCare aims to promote positive and mutually beneficial relationships between the Victorian climbing community and land owners / managers, including:
Parks Victoria
Traditional Owners
Private Land Owners
Rock Climbing Businesses and Organizations
We collaborate with land managers on a range of environmental projects from planning to implementation with the good will of volunteers and professional services such as stonemasonry for trail building.
To create education content and ongoing programs to raise awareness of environmental and cultural heritage protection.
Providing up-to-date access information to the climbing community.

Dedicated volunteers at the end of a big day of flood repair work on the Mount Rosea access trail, Grampians (2012), completed in collaboration with Parks Victoria.

Volunteer climbers participating in working bee for Flat Rock / Pohlner Road track repair, 2008.
Our Vision
We strive to create a community where every climber in Victoria acts as a responsible steward of their climbing environment.
Where a balance is struck between access for rock climbing and environmental and cultural protection.